Microneedling?Collagen Induction Therapy?
WRONG! It is called SkinPen and let me tell you! It is the most advanced microneedling/Collagen induction therapy you could ask for. It is everything you are wanting wrapped up in one beautiful applicator. SkinPen is administered by a medical practitioner, the SkinPen tool itself has adjustable needles to adjust perfectly to the thickness of your skin, for those rougher or more delicate areas.
Its tiny little sterile needles penetrate the first couple layers of your skin, by creating little abrasions on the skin, all those active cells that rush to the area to heal the wound are immediately activated.
The whole process itself only takes around 10 to 15 minutes, really depending on the size of the area. SkinPen is absolutely perfect for people who suffer from acne scars, surgical scars, discoloration or uneven pigment, stretch marks, or really any other form of skin difference.
I had my first round with SkinPen 5 days ago now, prior to getting it done I had been really unhappy with the texture of my skin, although I do not suffer from any of the things I listed above, I just felt lately my skin hadn’t been as healthy as it could be.
I went and saw Alyhsa from Peninsula Aesthetics like I always do because let’s face it, I won’t go to anyone else and Alysha, being a registered nurse, can apply SkinPen. Alysha got me all comfy, put on some numbing cream and off we went.
Starting in the middle working towards the right of my forehead, it didn’t feel too bad, I know I had numbing cream on but still, it felt like a really strong sucking feeling like a little tiny vacuum, when really it was lots of tiny needles being jabbed into my face. Alysha started at .25mm, this is how deep the needles penetrate the skin, first used in vertical lines, going over the whole area and then reapplying over the area with a circular motion. As SkinPen was applied to more sensitive areas of my face, the depth of the needle lessened. Towards the center of my face and on my nose.
The whole process from arriving to leaving was about 45 minutes, this included waiting for the numbing cream to take effect, the SkinPen administration and then a hydrating mask after to soothe the face.
It was a great experience, I didn’t find it hurt but that is my own personal experience but I am most happy about the difference it has made in my skin. You do have redness after, it feels like a slight sunburn but you feel so fresh faced after. It isn’t like when you get your eyebrows waxed and you walk around with huge red stripes across your face, you feel good.
After your treatment, you are sent home with your little goodies, you get two small tubes of these beautiful soothing gels that you need to apply every couple of hours with clean hands. Staying hydrated is the key!
You can;t wear makeup for 24 hours, so I wouldn’t suggest getting it the day of an event but I would recommend getting it done a day or two before. Just remember you causing little tiny cuts to your face, and like any open wound you do not want bacteria getting in there. So clean your makeup brushes, don’t rub your face on your pets, change your pillowcases, whatever you have to do.
In all honesty, I have not felt the need to wear makeup, I am seeing an overall improvement in the texture of my skin, the colour of my skin and the whole overall complexion.
I had recently been complaining to my partner how I’ve just had a problem with myself and the way I look and I didn’t realise it was because of the health of my skin.
I had been having those days where even when I did put makeup on, it just wasn’t bonding well with my skin, I had dry patches, then I would be oily by the end of the day, my contour was looking muky, I was a real mess alright.
But I can’t fault SkinPen and I can’t fault Alysha’s technique. Alysha from Peninsula Aesthetics will be taking bookings for SkinPen at four locations including;
Mount Eliza
Carrum Downs.
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